The Story of the Very First Hack

Long before the internet, two brothers, FranΓ§ois and Joseph Blanc, pulled off the very first hack in history. This happened way back in 1834, when the coolest tech around was the telegraph. Sounds a bit surreal, but back then those telegraphs did not work with electromagnetic impulses. No, they were optical. The Blanc brothers’ scheme

Hidden Treasures of Websites on GitHub

In the vast expanse of the internet, websites are mere islands in an ocean of code. And for the curious hacker, GitHub’s endless repositories hold the treasure maps to these islands. But what if these maps also contained hidden secrets? Keys to hidden doors, forgotten passages, and unguarded treasures? Today, we’re diving into the depths

Starting with Python for Hacking

One of the most important things one can learn for hacking is getting comfy with programming. Python is a good language to start. Another very important aspect of hacking is – SEARCH ENGINES. It stands to reason to combine searching and programming. First, install the necessary library: This is how a request to google looks

Alternate Logins

When we browse a web site, the first thing we often notice is its login pages. The more amateur hacker may try to brute-force it right away. However, the more experienced tester will think: are there any other authentication points to the same resource? The answer is often resoundingly YES! Modern applications often create alternative

What are Serialization / Deserialization attacks about?

So what is de-serialization? What are serialization attacks? What is serialization? What is serial? Ok ok, hold your horses, kemosabe…will start from the beginning, this is serial: Now that the hard part is out of our way, lets start dissecting the rest. Common explanation: Serialization is merely representing object as a stream of bits and

Problems Uploading Web-Shells

Lets say you found a security issue that allowed you to upload a PHP web shell into the application. We all have been through those simple php web shells: Classic! Or it can be hundreds of lines of more complex code. You then happily gallop to your shell to execute commands: And then something